You know that house everyone would meet up at after school? Well, the Genoa Homecoming Entertainment Tent is where everyone comes during homecoming.
“The house” is the place where classmates, longtime friends you haven’t seen in years, or the people you just met last week at the local store can come hang out! With all of you in this big tent, we promise you’ll have a great time. Bands, beers, contests, laughs and maybe even some tears. This is going to be Genoa’s best event for the next 200 years!
Check out the daily events below or get the full schedule of events to print for reference.
Come and visit the Tent! If you’re interested in the live entertainment, enjoy the Amusement Rides & Food Vendors while you wait.
Please join us on Main Street for the Genoa Car Show!
Sponsored by the Genoa LibraryDo you look forward to your Friday drive home from work with “Friday Night 80’s” blaring on the radio?
Does your family enjoy the game of racing to name the song title and artist while on a road trip?
If so, put together your team of (at most) 6 participants to compete for prizes in our “Name that Tune” contest.
Come and visit the Tent! If you’re interested in the live entertainment, enjoy the Amusement Rides, Food Vendors, and Genoa Chamber Vendors while you wait.
Please join us on Main Street for the Parade!
Live music by
Accordion Content
There’s a lot going on today! Check out the Full Schedule of Events here.
This event is in the lot adjacent to the Tent.
Kiwanis Bike Giveaway winner announced
Live music by